Sunday, April 22, 2012

Crazy Beautiful Life

So the Ke$ha song "Crazy Beautiful Life", has been popping into my head A TON theses days. The reason for that is because I seriously feel like the Hubster and I are living one heck of a crazy/beautiful life right now (and not because we have friends that get plastered at parties like the song infers).

There are definitely some crazy beautiful things that are happening, the most exciting being this... Drum roll Please....
in 43 days time Tristin and I are going to this place for THREE WHOLE WEEKS:

That right, Yo! I'm taking my man back to The Mother Land! SOUTH AFRICA, I'M COMING BACK FOR YOU, BABY! We'll be there for 3 whole weeks: Cape Town, Durban (my place of birth and living), and Johannesburg.
 *insert pleasure squeals here*

BUT....get this....24hr before our 22hrs of flying to the other side of the world, Tristin and I will be taking on this baby right here:
The Bolder Boulder is only the funnest 6 mile race to ever grace the planet! Hells yeah I'm excited for this! How crazy beautiful is that week going to be?! 

And how many times can one say crazy beautiful in a blog post without getting completely sick of the phrase? We'll find out I guess

So I've also made a bucket list for all the things I want to do before we leave this wonderful state. Shockingly enough, most of the stuff on that list are names of restaurants I want to eat out at so I'll spare you those details. This past weekend T and I were able to visit one of the bucket list restaurants in Niwot called Colterra.

Here's our Smile Practice Round

Finally got it out of him :)

That soup was to DIE for!
It was a good experience and the food was incredible.... but I HAVE had better, I'm not going to taste buds must be broken or something. 

Then last weekend we were able to go to the Colorado Symphony with Jay and Christina! It was unbelievable. They had the most amazing pianist accompanying the orchestra and it just took my breath away. 

Prior to the symphony we went to PF fortune from my cookie is being displayed in the picture above mainly as a reminder to myself to stop stressing about the move....So if you were curious as to why I put that there, that's why.

Anywho, that's it for now folks! Enjoy the rest of spring! It's been a great one so far!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Never a Dull Moment

So as I was doing my biweekly facebook stalking the other day, I came across this little gem! It made me laugh SO hard that I couldn't NOT share it (and yes, it TOTALLY made my day).

Seriously, he comes up with the funniest things sometimes!
I love my hubster!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cougar Town

Hi World! we're finally back in the blogisphere and writing stuff that has the potential to be mildly entertaining (ok, maybe that's stretching it a little far. Our world isn't very entertaining AT ALL sometimes).
Ready to play some catch up?

K, let's go out with a bang...
Guess who's going back to the BYUniverse!?

You're truly~

That's correct folks! Tristin got accepted into the Counseling Psychology program~ Can I get a woot woot? He was 1 of 8 people that got in so we are very proud of him. The boy's got brains, that's for sure!

So the good news is that we are moving back to Utah and we're going to be with family again. The bad news is that we are moving from Colorado and from our Colorado family.

If you heard a really loud cracking noise, don't worry, that was just my heart shattering!
K, I'll try to hold back on the drama with you all but it's been a rough couple of months for me, I'm not going to lie. Colorado has become home and I just LOVE our lives here. Not only do I have my AWESOME business going (I seriously go to work everyday excited and happy!) but I've worked SO hard for it just to say goodbye.

 Good lesson in detachment? Uh, YEAH! BIG TIME!

But hey, if I built that business in a year from literally NOTHING, I can do it again, right?

K, sob story over- back to our lives....Congratulations Honey. You're going to be a Cougar again!

 Secondly, Happy Easter (for two weeks ago) Everyone~

 You know how people normally give each other chocolate eggs and and cute baskets to celebrate....Well Tristin and I celebrate by taking the practical route by going out for drinks and shopping (not on Sunday of course :P  ). Apparently we were both in need of socks and pants...and a few extra shirts and shoes didn't hurt either :) Nothing says "Happy Easter" like a little bit of Retail Therapy.

So yes, we are still alive and kicking here in sunny Boulder, CO. Life is still good...and just keeps getting better.

Happy spring everyone!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Photoshopping Masterpieces

I FINALLY get it!! I now understand why people are SO fanatical about photoshop! Because they can do things like this:

And this...

How much more colorful has life become, do you ask? SOO MUCH MORE!

I'm nerdy and I know sue me.